Thank you for your interest in partnering with Chemo Beanies®.
There are many different ways to place an order as a vendor of Chemo Beanies.
Our goal is to make your shopping experience as convenient as possible for your personal needs.You may choose any of the following methods to order:
1. If this is your first time on our new platform, fill out the form below and we will send you all the info needed to become a customer. If you are an existing customer, simply login and check out with payment online.
2. For New/Existing Wholesale Credit Terms--You must first apply for an Invoice Account by filling out the form below. (Available to institutions, Hospitals, & Distributors only) shop online and choose Invoice at checkout.
3. Simply email us at and include your request.
4. Call us at 1-866-526-2001 and our team will gladly create a customer account or take your order by phone.
5. Follow the link to our new partnership with Faire Wholesale Marketplace & create an account. With Faire, you will enjoy free shipping for a year, Net 60, & a Faire store credit. International is available in several countries.
Chemo Beanies Team